This was the name of an exhibit I encountered while walking home alone in the dark from Waterloo Station where Bakerloo decided to terminate instead of terminating in the usual spot - namely, Elephant and Castle. All at once it summed up my thoughts about my abilities to get home safely and my previously constructed opinion on my course today. Only one of the two was properly justified optimism....
Seeing as I'm typing in my blog instead of in some hospital somewhere you can surmise that I was correctly optimistic about my ability to get home from Waterloo Station. It was, in fact, a walk in the park (I would have much rather it been a cake walk but beggars can't be choosers). I must have developed some sense of direction because I was able to navigate the extensive Waterloo Station and find my appropriate exit. I then was able to make it down the creepy back alley and through the tunnel with no interferences. Once I was on Westminster Bridge Road I could get straight to St. George's Circus with no problems and from there I could easily conduct myself to good ol' Julian Markham House.
However, my classes today were a whole other story, although one of my "classes" was only a brief course to familiarize students with macs so I can be somewhat more gentle with my judgement. My crash course in computers was around 10:15 this morning and it was about 45 minutes of the most inane instruction I've received thus far. It honestly was unnecessary to school us in proper methods of logging onto our computers for fifteen minutes. Let's not dress it up, all you do is click once on an icon. No password necessary. Simple. My later class was much of the same although my professor is a darling so I can forgive him more readily. The first chap closed the door on some students who were five minutes late saying, "The next class is at 11, yeah?" Rather rude. But my second "tutor" is a scrawny, nicotine-addicted, old guy who is barely keeping pace with the technology of today yet is clearly enamored with typography and InDesign. It was just an unfortunate coincidence that I already have experience using InDesign and so the beauty of today's lesson was lost on me. It was much more like a monotonous review of what took me five minutes to learn when I was a freshman.
I have one day to muster my missing enthusiasm, though. Tuesday is a free day for me and so I will go run and get excited about London all over again and hope for the best on Wednesday.
I'm pretty sure Wednesday won't disappoint since it's my film elective and last week we talked in detail about some classic westerns. Which I loved.
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